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National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation

Join conservation practitioners and policy makers from across North America to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities in implementing large landscape conservation, as well as the most effective tools, strategies and science available to inform large landscape initiatives.
When Oct 23, 2014 09:00 AM EDT to
Oct 24, 2014 05:00 PM EDT
Where Washington D.C.
Contact Name
Contact Phone (615) 781-6670
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Conservation innovation is woven through our nation’s heritage. It is today and will be for decades and centuries to come an essential element of our future. Large landscape collaborative conservation is a fresh approach to the conservation challenges of the 21st century, linking public, private, non-profit, and academic resources in novel, strategic, and enduring ways.

This national workshop will focus on knowledge-building and knowledge-sharing of specific practices, tools, policies, and capacities. Through a series of plenary sessions, smaller symposia and workshops, and carefully constructed and facilitated dialogues on key topics, participants will experience the full breadth of large landscape programs and the challenges and opportunities ahead. The workshop format will be designed to identify and develop content that will directly apply to landscape conservation partnerships and initiatives across the continent. The workshop will convene senior administrators and policy-makers to point the way for the future, addressing a number of critical questions facing the large landscape conservation community, including:

  • How can mitigation at the landscape scale foster land conservation and economic development?
  • How can we effectively invest for measurable results and environmental resiliency in the context of climate change?
  • How can we, across the continuum from urban areas to wilderness areas, engage diverse communities in the green spaces outside their doors?
  • How can we leverage advanced technologies and innovative financing tools to dramatically advance the practice of large landscape conservation?


This event is designed for a broad assemblage of those engaged in organizing, supporting, implementing, and conducting research on large landscape conservation. We anticipate 400-600 attendees at an event of this importance and relevance.

The Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at the Workshop. Conference organizers are especially interested in outcome-based sessions and symposia that will result in products such as white papers, summary reports, or recommendations from the session. The program emphasizes lessons learned and best practices in every aspect of Large Landscape Conservation start-up, implementation, management, and assessment.

All proposals for the Workshop are due by 5:00 pm PDT (8:00 pm EDT), May 31, 2014To submit a proposal, visit, on or after April 28, 2014.

More information about this event…