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Integrated Federal Resources for Ecosystem Protection

This webinar discusses the framework for federal resources coordination in regard to ecosystem protection, describing the objectives, integrating values, identifying priority areas, and protecting the landscape.

Rick Durbrow is the Planning Analysis Branch, Office of Policy and Management, US EPA Region 4.  He was part of the team developing the EPA Southeastern U.S. Ecological Framework Project. Rick completed his master’s degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Public Policy and has been a Program Analyst with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Atlanta, Georgia for the past 19 years.  He focuses his energies on developing innovative approaches to more efficient and effective decision making to protect ecosystem functions and their services.  Projects include the Southeastern Ecological Framework, which is a hub and corridor landscape linkage across the 8 states in the southeast and more recently leading the development of a GIS decision support tool for the Southeast Natural Resource Leaders Group (SENRLG).  The SENRLG project is being developed to assist federal agencies in targeting existing resources across agencies in order to support landscape conservation and restoration efforts and build resilience into the landscape that can assist on the ground efforts addressing climate change.

Additional Resource Materials (pdf): Rick Durbrow PPT presentation.pdf