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You are here: Home / Resources / General Resources Holdings / RFA 2 - Development of a stream classification system compatible throughout the Appalachian LCC as a platform to study ecological flow issues - Word Doc

RFA 2 - Development of a stream classification system compatible throughout the Appalachian LCC as a platform to study ecological flow issues - Word Doc

In order to support development of instream flow standards, a classification system for Appalachian aquatic ecosystems is needed. A regional river classification system would allow states and other water resource managers to supplement their own limited data for flow-ecology relationships with information from other areas. Several stream habitat classification efforts have been developed (or are under development) in areas partially overlapping the Appalachian LCC, but these are somewhat different from each other, do not cover the entire Appalachian LCC geographic area, and may or may not meet the needs of resource managers in the Appalachians.

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