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U.S. Forest Service Landscape Science Webinar

Assessing species risk and adaptability to climate change.
When Feb 19, 2013
from 01:00 PM US/Eastern to 02:30 PM US/Eastern
Where Webinar
Contact Name
Contact Phone 703-605-5251
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The climate is changing.  Tree species currently residing at a specific location are at variable levels of risk of change (increase, decrease, or stay put), depending on where they are relative to their overall distribution, their particular traits, and the severity of the changing conditions. Dr. Louis Iverson of the USFS Northern Research Station will discuss how the Forest Service is attempting to assess species risk in various regions of the eastern U.S., and their capacity to adapt to a changing climate, through a series of modeling schemes using species distribution models, life history traits, and dispersal models. We develop species tables, graphs, and maps of risk for particular regions, and have begun to assess some means of adaptation, including models of assisted migration.


Federal, state & local land managers; federal and university landscape science researchers; national forest climate change coordinators; GIS & remote sensing application specialists; NGO representatives, land use planners and other interested citizens.

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Filed under: Climate Change, Events