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Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices Online Training

The popular Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices training will be available as an online, seven-week course for natural resource professionals working in New England and New York. Participants will use the Adaptation Workbook to create their own adaptation plans.
When Jan 15, 2018 12:00 AM US/Eastern to
Oct 02, 2018 11:55 PM EDT
Where Webinar
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The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub offered the popular Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices ( training as an online, seven-week course! The winder 2018 course will be held during January 15-March 2, 2018 with a focus on New England and New York.


This unique opportunity provided hands-on training in considering climate change information and identifying adaptation actions for natural resources management and conservation. Participants received coaching and feedback on their own real-world climate adaptation project. The online Adaptation Workbook ( tool is featured, with special course features and additional materials.

Through this course, participants received information to help them:

  • Identify locally-important climate change impacts, challenges, and opportunities
  • Develop specific actions to adapt forests to changing conditions
  • Use the Adaptation Workbook to create their own "climate-informed" projects
  • Better communicate with stakeholders about key climate change impacts, challenges, and opportunities
  • Access post-training support from NIACS staff during project planning and implementation


This course has been approved by 15.0 Continuing Forestry Education credits by Society of American Foresters.

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