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Forest Above-ground Biomass, 2012, Northeast

This dataset measures the total amount of above-ground live biomass in forested systems, which is an important attribute of forested communites and an indicator of successional development, and an important habitat attribute for many forest-associated wildlife species. The dataset is derived from a combination of remote sensing products derived from multi-temporal Landsat TM data and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot data and forest succession models derived from FIA plot data. It is expected this dataset will be useful for distinguishing early successional from mature forests as they existed in approximately 2012. Units are in kilograms/meters squared times 10.

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ScienceBase Record
Metadata XML
Associated Project
Data Info
Data Type Raster
Resolution 30 meters
Status Complete
Creator Organization Joanna Grand and Bill DeLuca, University of Massachusetts
Forest Above-ground Biomass, 2012, Northeast