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Insect Responses to Major Landscape-Level Disturbance

Keywords tolerance, dispersal, succession, local extinction, outbreak, population dynamics Abstract Disturbances are abrupt events that dramatically alter habitat conditions and resource distribution for populations and communities. Terrestrial land- scapes are subject to various disturbance events that create a matrix of patches with different histories of disturbance and recovery. Species tolerances to ex- treme conditions during disturbance or to altered habitat or resource condi- tions following disturbances determine responses to disturbance. Intolerant populations may become locally extinct, whereas other species respond posi- tively to the creation of new habitat or resource conditions. Local extinction represents a challenge for conservation biologists. On the other hand, out- breaks of herbivorous species often are triggered by abundant or stressed hosts and relaxation of predation following disturbances. These insect re- sponses can cause further changes in ecosystem conditions and predispose communities to future disturbances. Improved understanding of insect re- sponses to disturbance will improve prediction of population and community dynamics, as well as ecosystem and global changes.

Credits: Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2012. 57:1–20

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