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LCC Networks

Logo for NetworkNational LCC Network

Landscape conservation cooperatives, or LCCs, are the only forum for the entire conservation community to define, design and enable partners to deliver landscapes that can sustain natural and cultural resources at levels desired by society.

  • National LCC Website - The National Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC) website details how all 22 LCCs collectively form a network of resource managers and scientists who share a common need for scientific information and interest in conservation.
  • National LCC Fact Sheet - America’s landscapes and the fish, wildlife, plants and cultural heritage they support are increasingly impacted by land use pressures and widespread threats amplified by a rapidly changing climate.
  • National LCC Project Catalog - The National LCC Project Catalog assembles high-level standardized information about all projects supported by all LCCs, to date and going forward, to meet the needs at the National LCC office for reporting on what's happening across the network.
  • LCC Science Assessments and Related Documents - LCC Science Assessments are conducted to appraise the current spectrum of scientific knowledge surrounding shared resource priorities, and to identify and prioritize management questions and related research and technical assistance gaps and needs.
  • View more National LCC Network Content.


Neighboring LCCs

The Appalachian LCC is one of 22 LCCs that form a seamless network across the United States.

  • Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC - The GCPO LCC conducts research and develop tools that improve natural resource management.
  • North Atlantic LCC - The Northeast Region is building upon strong partnerships to create the North Atlantic LCC, which, guided by the principles of strategic habitat conservation (SHC), will develop and communicate landscape-scale scientific information to shape conservation across the Eastern Seaboard south to Virginia.
  • South Atlantic LCC - The partnership will consider landscape-scale stressors, including climate change, habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and water scarcity as it attempts to provide a vision for a landscape capable of sustaining healthy populations of fish, wildlife, plants and cultural resources.
  • Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC - The UMGL LCC area includes unparalleled deepwater habitats, beaches, coastal wetlands, more than 35,000 islands, major river systems, boreal forests, and prairie-hardwood transition zones.


National Council

The LCC National Council will serve the LCC network by learning from them and helping to identify the ecological and institutional challenges faced by the LCCs that should be addressed at the national scale. Serving as the national voice for the LCC network, the Council will seek to support changes that can be made at the national level to facilitate the work of the LCCs.

  • LCC National Council Charter - This charter outlines the duties and functions of the LCC National Council that includes: (1) overarching coordination of LCC efforts; (2) consistency between LCCs for coordination and communication to support a cohesive purpose; (3) articulation of shared outcomes; (4) support for collaboration across geographies; and (5) advocacy for LCCs.
  • Summary of LCC National Council Convening Process - Since the creation of the Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) network, concerns have surfaced over the need for a national body to maintain broad national-level support and coordination. In 2011, the Department of Interior (DOI) requested the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution (USIECR) conduct a neutral third-party assessment of national DOI and LCC representatives to gauge potential support, concerns, and recommendations for convening an LCC National Council.
  • Overiew of LCC National Council Recruitment Process - The purpose of this overview is to familiarize the LCC Coordinators Team (LCT) with the recruitment process for the LCC National Council (Council), to identify the role the LCC coordinators will play in the process, and to provide you with some talking points for explaining the process to your respective organizations and other networks.
  • View more National LCC Council content.


LCCs and Climate Science Centers

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) and Climate Science Centers (CSCs) are non-regulatory conservation partnerships that have been established to help sustain North America’s natural and cultural resources and landscapes. It is recognized that no single agency has the capacity to conduct research, translate scientific information into management practices, and make decisions that address the numerous threats to natural resources. Collaboration among federal, state, tribal, local, and nongovernmental partners is essential for defining, designing, and implementing a coordinated conservation response to sustain natural and cultural resources. Learn more about CSCs and how they work with LCCs.