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Publications & Outreach

A collection of reports, plans, and outreach products related to the activities of the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC).
Cover image for report

Communication and Outreach

Find here annual reports that are produced each year and provide an overview of the work of the Appalachian LCC:

The Cooperative also produces a Quarterly Newsletter that touches on recent achievements, funded projects, and more. An introductory Fact Sheet details how the Cooperative serves as a catalyst for conservation collaboration.  AppLCC has also created a series of Fact Sheets relating to all of the AppLCC funded Projects.

Synthesis of Research Products document highlights tools, products, and data developed by the Cooperative for resource managers and partners to address the environmental threats that are beyond the scope of any one agency. Specific research product fact sheets provide in-depth details about the use and functions of Appalachian LCC funded research products and tools, including:


Finally, browse through a number of Video Interviews from members of our Conservation Community as well as Webinars on Conservation Tools and Projects taking place throughout the region.

Cover of Work Plan

5-Year Work Plan

This report represents the result of a 3-day Workshop of the Cooperative Steering Committee and Key Partners to produce a collaborative, integrated, and science-driven 5-Year Work Plan. It will serve as our guide in moving the Appalachian LCC forward as an organization and decision-making body charged to advance the efforts of the broader conservation community in addressing large-scale environmental and climate impacts. The Plan is divided into 5 Sections found below:

Includes the Preface, Table of Contents, Acknowledgements, and Executive Summary
Section A
Provides an overview of the Appalachian LCC, the organization's mission and vision, guiding principles, business processes, and operational measures.
Section B
Details the four major goals of the Appalachian LCC over the next five years. Includes the specific objectives within each goal and tasks deemed necessary to achieve these objectives.
Section C
This section provides staff recommendations on tasks requiring more staffing or funding support, or in some cases modification, to achieve.
Glossary of Terms used throughout the Work Plan.

Cover for the 2013 Science Needs Portfolio.

Science Needs Portfolio

Developed by conservation experts across the Appalachian region, the Science Needs Portfolio identifies science and data needs necessary to guide landscape planning priorities and decisions regarding allocation of funds. This Portfolio will be annually reviewed and revised based on priority needs, emerging challenges, and opportunities:

2013 Science Needs Portfolio
2012 Science Needs Portfolio