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Kyle Barrett Ph.D.

Barrett, Kyle

Dr. Kyle Barrett is an Assistant Professor in the School of Agricultural, Forest, and Environmental Sciences at Clemson University. His research interests largely center around understanding how vertebrates respond to issues of global change such as urbanization, climate change, and sea level rise. He is involved with projects and/or committees associated with the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Appalachian LCCs.


Amphibians Reptiles River/stream ecology Urban systems (natural systems within highly urbanized areas?) Agro ecosystems Geospatial (GIS) Remote sensing (LiDAR) Rivers/Streams - Instream Habitat Rivers/Streams - Streambank/Riparian Urban development (incl. zoning) Modeling (incl. Down-scale climate, Coupled, Niche-envelope modeling) Adaptation (management response and facilitation) Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests

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