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Hellbender SQT Materials
This page contains all the materials including excel sheets, field data forms, user's guides, etc. for the Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool (HBSQT).
Located in Workspace
File Troff document Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool Spreadsheet
The HBSQT Master Document
Located in Workspace / Hellbender SQT Materials
File SIS package Improving the Utility of Artificial Shelters for Monitoring Eastern Hellbender Salamanders (Cryptobranchus alleganienses alleganiensis)
Artificial shelters show great promise as novel, non-invasive tools for studying hellbenders, but their use thus far has faced several challenges. During initial trials in multiple river networks, artificial shelters routinely became blocked by sediment and dislodged during high stream discharge events, and were rarely used by hellbenders. We sought to determine whether these complications could be overcome via alternative shelter design, placement, and maintenance. Between 2013 and 2018, we deployed 438 artificial shelters of two different designs across ten stream reaches and three rivers in the upper Tennessee River Basin. We assessed evidence for several hypotheses, postulating broadly that the availability, stability, and use of artificial shelters by hellbenders would depend on how shelters were constructed, deployed, and/or maintained. We found that maintaining shelters at least once every 40 days limited sediment blockage, and building ~ 40 kg shelters with 3-4 cm thick walls and recessed lids improved their stability during high discharge events. Additionally, we found that hellbenders most frequently occupied and nested in artificial shelters when they were deployed in deeper (~50+ cm) portions of reaches with high adult hellbender densities. Our results suggest that artificial shelters can serve as effective tools for studying hellbenders when designed, deployed, and maintained with these advancements, but also highlight some limitations of their use.
Located in Research / Artificial Nest Box Research
File Large Woody Debris Index (LWDI) Manual
Methods for LWDI assessment to complete the Hellbender SQT.
Located in Workspace / Hellbender SQT Materials
File Macros by Tolerance
Document has macroinvertebrates sorted into groups 1, 2, and 3 based on pollution tolerance, with pictures.
Located in Workspace / Hellbender SQT Materials
File Movement and habitat use of Eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) following population augmentation
With amphibian declines at crisis levels, translocations, including population augmentations, are commonly used for amphibian conservation. Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) have declined to low densities in many areas of their range, making them ideal candidates for population augmentation. Both wild adults and captive-reared juveniles have been used for augmentations, but their suitability has never been directly compared. Herein, we use radio telemetry with Eastern Hellbenders to examine patterns of site fidelity, movement, and habitat use over a 2-yr period for adult residents, wild adult translocates, and captive-reared juvenile translocates. We used generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models to identify temporal trends and explore the effects of residential status (resident vs. translocate) and origin/age (captive-reared juveniles vs. wild adults) on various ecological and behavioral traits relating to habitat. Site fidelity was high in adult residents and wild adult translocates, but lower in captive-reared juvenile translocates. Both adult and juvenile translocates had greater mean movement distances than residents, leading to larger home range sizes, but these differences decreased over time. Wild adult translocates had a higher probability of using artificial nest rocks than adult residents or captive-reared juvenile translocates. This pattern was most prevalent early in the study, indicating these shelters are particularly useful during the transition to release sites. Captive-reared juvenile translocates had lower site fidelity and utilized suboptimal habitat (smaller and fewer shelter rocks) compared to wild adults. Compared to previous studies, translocations had fewer negative effects on site residents or wild translocates and might be effective at promoting growth of Hellbender populations. However, translocations of captive-reared juveniles were less successful. As we are uncertain whether captive-rearing or ontogeny led to these differences, both longer head-starting times and conditioning should be explored to improve outcomes in captive-reared juvenile cohorts.
Located in Research / Artificial Nest Box Research
File Parameter Selection Guide
Print this document and keep in your clipboard for reference. This document lists with metrics should be measured for various types of WLFW projects.
Located in Workspace / Hellbender SQT Materials
File Pebble Count Analyzer
Excel document to enter and analyze pebble count data to retrieve field values for the SQT.
Located in Workspace / Hellbender SQT Materials
File Riparian Forest Buffer
Buffers are applied on stable areas adjacent to permanent or intermittent streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands that flood or pond.
Located in Information Materials / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Job Sheets
File Riparian Forest Buffer - CPS 391
An area predominantly trees and/or shrubs located adjacent to and up-gradient from watercourses or water bodies.
Located in Information Materials / NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials / Conservation Practices