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Project Restoration of aquatic/riparian habitats of the Edwards Plateau at the South Llano River State Park
This project will restore aquatic/riparian habitats of the Edwards Plateau at the South Llano River State Park in Texas.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Restoration of Critical Habitat for LIsted Mussels and Fish, Big South Fork NRRA, TN/KY
The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area is a focus for major conservation efforts due to the outstanding aquatic features found in the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River. The park is also a favorite location for equestrian riders, cyclists, and hikers. Managing a park for such multiple uses, while conserving biodiversity, is wrought with challenges.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project C source code Oyster Habitat Restoration and Capacity Building for Future Oyster Restoration in SC
This project consists of oyster habitat restoration and capacity building for future oyster restoration in South Carolina.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project shell script Develop Artificial Estuarine Habitats in SC to Increase Abundance of Recreationally-Important Fish
This project will develop artificial estuarine habitats to increase abundance of recreationally important fish within South Carolina.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Pascal source code NFHAP SARP Lower Bourbeuse Aquatic Conservation Area (LBACA) Landowner Partnership
This project consists of a landowner partnership within the Lower Bourbeuse Aquatic Conservation Area (LBACA), Missouri.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project C++ source code St. Catherine Creek Aquatic Habitat Assessment in support of GCPO LCC
This project will assess habitat in St. Catherine Creek, Mississippi, in support of GCPO LCC.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Habitat Restoration to Benefit Rare Species and Natural Communities in the Altamaha River Watershed
Cool water springs feeding major coastal rivers in Georgia provide critical thermal refuges during summer for diadromous fishes such as striped bass. However, the connectivity of many of these springs to the main rivers has been diminished by drought, sedimentation, accumulation of debris, and beaver dams. The goal of this project was to improve the connectivity of Troup Springs to the Oconee River and enhance spring flows.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Island Restoration and Habitat Enhancement in Lake Oconee
This project consists of Island restoration and habitat enhancement in Lake Oconee, Georgia.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Restoration of Essential Habitats for Juvenile Tarpoon and Snook
Habitat loss and degradation are major threats to coastal fisheries, especially alterations of freshwater flow into estuarine habitats. This project will restore natural topography and hydrology to 229 acres of coastal land that includes juvenile habitat for economically and recreationally important tarpon and snook. Monitoring of water quality and fishes within mangrove creeks will quantify the changes resulting from restoration. An established education program will be used to disseminate project results to the public, and the project site will be protected and managed as a public park and nature preserve in perpetuity. This project is currently on-going.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Restoration of a backwater of the Arkansas River, Rector Chute
The Rector Chute backwater will be restored to prevent conversion of aquatic habitat to terrestrial habitat through sedimentation. Select areas will be dredged with a Mudcat hydraulic dredge.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B