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Project Octet Stream Thorn Creek Aquatic Passage Project, Pendelton County, West Virginia
This project will remove the 9 identified fish passage barriers in a 50 square mile wild brook trout watershed in Thorn Creek of the South Branch of the Potomac. (Photo: Typical low water bridge crossing to be removed on Thorn Creek in West Virginia.)
Located in Projects / EBTJV
Project Octet Stream Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina
This project will be the first of several designed to reconnect and restore brook trout habitat and populations within the Tellico River watershed. It will remove one barrier on Tipton Creek in the Upper Tellico River Watershed to reconnect approximately 4 miles of stream. (Photo: The crossing to be replaced on Tipton Creek in North Carolina.)
Located in Projects / EBTJV
Project chemical/x-pdb Brook Trout Catchment Scale and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
JMU in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the Service have initiated efforts to determine resiliency rankings for brook trout populations in Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia. This project will allow the partnerhsip to expand this analysis to cover all brook trout habitat from Georgia to Maine.
Located in Projects / EBTJV