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Video Living Soil Film
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. 60-minute documentary featuring innovative farmers and soil health experts from across the nation. The societal and environmental costs of soil loss and degradation in the U.S. are now estimated to be as high as $85 billion every single year. It’s time we changed everything we thought we knew about soil.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization Soil Health Institute
The Soil Health Institute is a non-profit whose mission is to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soil through scientific research and advancement. The Institute works with its many stakeholders to identify gaps in research and adoption; develop strategies, networks and funding to address those gaps; and ensure beneficial impact of those investments to agriculture, the environment and society.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search