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Organization D source code Trout Unlimited
Founded in Michigan in 1959, Trout Unlimited today is a national non-profit organization with 300,000 members and supporters dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
File Applying ecological criteria to marine reserve design: A case study from the California Channel Islands
Reference which describes the steps involved in designing a network of marine reserves for conservation and fisheries management.
Located in Technical Resources / / Marxan Training Resources / Marxan Training Suggested Readings
Project Channel, Bank, & Riparian Restoration to Improve Habitat and Water Quality in Kings River, AR
The natural course and riparian corridor of the Kings River have been significantly modified by various landowners over several decades, leading to channel instability and decreased habitat and water quality. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) purchased a preserve on the Kings River that includes nine miles of river. To protect and restore river and riparian habitat, TNC has created a stream channel and floodplain restoration project along 0.5 miles of the river.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Troff document Copper Creek In-Stream Habitat Restoration Project
This project improved riparian zones, water quality, appropriate sediment flows and restoring physical habitat for multiple listed aquatic species in the Copper Creek watershed, within the Upper Tennessee River Basin.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Harpeth River Restoration
As part of a jointly funded project via the National Fish Passage Program, the totality of this project is removing a lowhead dam and restoring the immediate area to riffle/run habitat for the benefit of improved water quality and native fish habitat in the Harpeth River, TN.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Watershed-Based Approach to Channel Stabilization and Sediment Control in Pleasant Run Creek
Excessive sediment from channelized tributaries of the Hatchie River (TN) are degrading downstream aquatic habitat. Pleasant Run Creek is a channelized tributary to the Hatchie River, exhibiting significant soil erosion and channel incision problems. This project seeks to implement channel stabilization measures on private lands that will improve riparian habitat on Pleasant Run Creek and reduce sediment loading to the Hatchie River.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort facilitated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Applications program that brings together partners from 13 states, federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and universities to identify the best opportunities for conserving and connecting intact habitats and ecosystems and supporting imperiled species to help ensure the future of fish and wildlife across the Northeast region.
Located in Resources
Encompassing New England’s largest river system, the Connecticut River watershed provides important habitat for a diversity of fish, wildlife and plants — from iconic species like bald eagle and black bear to federally threatened and endangered species like shortnose sturgeon, piping plover, and dwarf wedgemussel.
Located in Resources
Cumberland - Southern Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the southeastern portion of the LCC, covering the area from southern West Virginia, south to Alabama, west to eastern Kentucky and Tennessee. Hyperlinks to additional information are separated into two additional spreadsheets, one for aquatic and subterranean, and another for terrestrial species.
Located in Vulnerability / Climate Change Vulnerability / Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion
File PDF document Climate change effects on stream and river temperatures across the northwest U.S. from 1980–2009 and implications for salmonid fishes
Thermal regimes in rivers and streams are fundamentally important to aquatic ecosystems and are expected to change in response to climate forcing as the Earth’s temperature warms. Description and attribution of stream temperature changes are key to understanding how these ecosystems may be affected by climate change, but difficult given the rarity of long-term monitoring data. We assembled 18 temperature time-series from sites on regulated and unregulated streams in the northwest U.S. to describe historical trends from 1980–2009 and assess thermal consistency between these stream categories. Statistically significant temperature trends were detected across seven sites on unregulated streams during all seasons of the year, with a cooling trend apparent during the spring and warming trends during the summer, fall, and winter. The amount of warming more than compensated for spring cooling to cause a net temperature increase, and rates of warming were highest during the summer (raw trend = 0.17°C/decade; reconstructed trend = 0.22°C/decade). Air temperature was the dominant factor explaining long-term stream temperature trends (82–94% of trends) and inter-annual variability (48–86% of variability), except during the summer when discharge accounted for approximately half (52%) of the inter-annual variation in stream temperatures. Seasonal temperature trends at eleven sites on regulated streams were qualitatively similar to those at unregulated sites if two sites managed to reduce summer and fall temperatures were excluded from the analysis. However, these trends were never statistically significant due to greater variation among sites that resulted from local water management policies and effects of upstream reservoirs. Despite serious deficiencies in the stream temperature monitoring record, our results suggest many streams in the northwest U.S. are exhibiting a regionally coherent response to climate forcing. More extensive monitoring efforts are needed as are techniques for short-term sensitivity analysis and reconstructing historical temperature trends so that spatial and temporal patterns of warming can be better understood. Continuation of warming trends this century will increasingly stress important regional salmon and trout resources and hamper efforts to recover these species, so comprehensive vulnerability assessments are needed to provide strategic frameworks for prioritizing conservation efforts.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents