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Project Harpeth River Restoration
As part of a jointly funded project via the National Fish Passage Program, the totality of this project is removing a lowhead dam and restoring the immediate area to riffle/run habitat for the benefit of improved water quality and native fish habitat in the Harpeth River, TN.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Harpeth River Restoration
As part of a jointly funded project via the National Fish Passage Program, the totality of this project is removing a lowhead dam and restoring the immediate area to riffle/run habitat for the benefit of improved water quality and native fish habitat in the Harpeth River, TN. (Photo: Harpeth River Restoration)
Located in Projects / SARP
File Human mining activity across the ages determines the genetic structure of modern brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations
Humans have exploited the earth’s metal resources for thousands of years leaving behind a legacy of toxic metal contamination and poor water quality. The southwest of England provides a well-defined example, with a rich history of metal mining dating to the Bronze Age. Mine water washout continues to negatively impact water quality across the region where brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations exist in both metal-impacted and relatively clean rivers. We used micro- satellites to assess the genetic impact of mining practices on trout populations in this region. Our analyses demonstrated that metal-impacted trout populations have low genetic diversity and have experienced severe population declines. Metal-river trout populations are genetically distinct from clean-river populations, and also from one another, despite being geographically proximate. Using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), we dated the origins of these genetic patterns to periods of intensive mining activity. The historical split of contemporary metal-impacted populations from clean-river fish dated to the Medieval period. Moreover, we observed two distinct genetic populations of trout within a single catchment and dated their divergence to the Industrial Revolution. Our investigation thus provides an evaluation of contemporary population genetics in showing how human-altered landscapes can change the genetic makeup of a species.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
Image Ruby script Map of Federally Listed Aquatic Species in Virginia Portion of UTRB
Map depicting listed and candidate aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee hydrologic sub-unit of Virginia.
Located in Maps
Image Map of Federally Listed Species within the UTRB in Tennessee
Map of Listed and candidate aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee hydrologic sub-unit of Tennessee.
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Image Ruby script Map of Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Fish in the UTRB
Map depicting the number of listed, proposed, and candidate fish species within each 12-digit HUC within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. Occurrences include extant and historical records. Areas within the UTRB boundary not shaded by a color denoted in the key have no records of imperiled fish species occurrences.
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Image Ruby script Map of Listed, Proposed, and Candidate Fish and Mussels in the UTRB
Map depicting the number of listed, proposed, and candidate fish and mussel species within each 12-digit HUC within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. Occurrences include extant and historical records. Areas within the UTRB boundary not shaded by a color in the key have no records of imperiled fish and mussel species occurrences.
Located in Maps
Organization Missouri Department of Conservation
Our work began in 1937, when citizen-led efforts created the Department of Conservation to restore, conserve and regulate Missouri's over-stressed fisheries, forests and wildlife populations. During our first 40 years, hunting, fishing, and trapping permits provided most of our funding, but in 1976 an expanded program, the "Design for Conservation," was passed to set aside one-eighth of one percent sales tax directly to the agency. That consistent funding, plus a strong, non-political structure and very supportive public helped make Missouri a national leader in conservation. Today we continue our legacy of protecting our state's wild resources and helping Missourians connect with their natural heritage. Our goal is to sustain diverse, healthy plant and animal communities — well into the future. The Missouri Department of Conservation administers more than 975,000 acres located throughout the state. About 63 percent, or 615,000 acres, are forested. The forest land occurs on a wide variety of sites and, as a result, there is a broad diversity of plant and animal communities present. Oak and hickory are the most common tree species, but other important species are also found, such as shortleaf pine, eastern red cedar, walnut, ash and cottonwood. State forest land provides a variety of environmental benefits including wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, watershed protection, scenic beauty and wood products.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort facilitated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Applications program that brings together partners from 13 states, federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and universities to identify the best opportunities for conserving and connecting intact habitats and ecosystems and supporting imperiled species to help ensure the future of fish and wildlife across the Northeast region.
Located in Resources
Organization Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Nebraska Game and Parks is a family of passionate, innovative professionals who work together to connect people to the natural world and support conservation in Nebraska. We number near 1,500 during peak summer months in order to manage our 78 parklands and trails for outdoor enthusiasts, while also focusing our efforts on conservation that supports wildlife, fish and plant diversity and health. The job we face is complex: The needs and interests in every ecosystem are diverse and many — among wildlife, plants, people and places, but we take seriously our role in striking a balance that benefits the most. Our mission The mission of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is stewardship of the state’s fish, wildlife, park, and outdoor recreation resources in the best long-term interests of the people and those resources.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search