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File PDF document Scenarios of future land use change around United States’ protected areas
Land use change around protected areas can diminish their conservation value, making it important to predict future land use changes nearby. Our goal was to evaluate future land use changes around protected areas of different types in the United States under different socioeconomic scenarios. We analyzed econometric-based projections of future land use change to capture changes around 1260 protected areas, including National Forests, Parks, Refuges, and Wilderness Areas, from 2001 to 2051, under different land use policies and crop prices. Our results showed that urban expansion around protected areas will continue to be a major threat, and expand by 67% under business-as-usual conditions. Concomitantly, a substantial number of protected areas will lose natural vegetation in their surroundings. National land-use policies or changes in crop prices are not likely to affect the overall pattern of land use, but can have effects in certain regions. Discouraging urbanization through zoning, for example, can reduce future urban pressures around National Forests and Refuges in the East, while the implementation of an afforestation policy can increase the amount of natural vegetation around some Refuges throughout the U.S. On the other hand, increases in crop prices can increase crop/pasture cover around some protected areas, and limit the potential recovery of natural vegetation. Overall, our results highlight that future land-use change around protected areas is likely to be substantial but variable among regions and protected area types. Safeguarding the conservation value of protected areas may require serious consideration of threats and opportunities arising from future land use.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File Using a structured decision making process for strategic conservation of imperiled aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee River Basin
Development of strategic conservation of imperiled species faces several large challenges, including uncertainty in species response to management actions, budgetary constraints that limit options, and issues with scaling expected conservation benefits from local to landscape levels and from single to multiple species. We used a structured decision making process and a multi-scale approach to identify a cost-effective conservation strategy for the imperiled aquatic species in the Upper Tennessee River Basin (UTRB), which face a variety of threats. The UTRB, which encompasses a landscape of 22,360 square miles primarily in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, harbors one of the most globally diverse assemblages of freshwater fishes and mussels occurring at temperate latitudes. In developing the strategy, we sought to identify which management actions to emphasize to best achieve recovery of imperiled aquatic species, given costs and uncertainty in management effectiveness. The strategy was developed for conservation implementation over a 20-year period, with periodic review and revision. In this presentation, we describe the ecological significance of the UTRB, the planning process, and the resulting strategy. A strategic emphasis on population management emerged as the optimal approach for achieving conservation of imperiled aquatic species in the UTRB, which aligns well with the goals of existing plans for conserving and recovering imperiled fishes and mussels in the UTRB. The structured planning process and resulting conservation strategy dovetail with the landscape approach to conservation embodied in the USFWS’s strategic habitat conservation approach and network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. The recorded webinar is also available for viewing at the following link:
Located in News & Information / Webinars and Presentations
File PDF document Effects of Flow Regulation on Shallow-Water Habitat Dynamics and Floodplain Connectivity
Our study examined the effects of flow regulation on the spatiotemporal availability of shallow habitat patches with slow current velocity (SSCV patches) and floodplain inundation in the unregulated Yellowstone River and the regulated Missouri River in Montana and North Dakota. We mapped representative sites and used hydraulic models and hydrograph data to describe the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation and the availability of SSCV habitat over time during different water years. In the Yellowstone River the distribution, location, and size of SSCV patches varied but followed an annual pattern that was tied to the snowmelt runoff hydrograph. There was less variation in patch distribution in the Missouri River, and the pattern of habitat availability was influenced by flow regulation. Regulated flows and their effects on channel mor- phology and patterns of vegetation establishment resulted in 3.0–3.5 times less area of inundated woody vegetation during normal and dry years in the Missouri River compared with the Yellow- stone River. The differences we observed in SSCV patch dynamics between rivers may have implications for fish populations and community structure through affecting the survival of early life stages. At a larger scale, the smaller area of vegetation inundated in the Missouri River suggests that nutrient cycling and the ecological benefits associated with a moving littoral zone are reduced by the altered flow and sediment regime in that river. Accurate assessments of the effects of flow alteration and successful efforts to restore riverine ecosystems will require consideration of physical and biotic processes that operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Distribution and characterization of in‐channel large wood in relation to geomorphic patterns on a low‐gradient river
A 177 river km georeferenced aerial survey of in‐channel large wood (LW) on the lower Roanoke River, NC was conducted to determine LW dynamics and distributions on an eastern USA low‐gradient large river. Results indicate a system with approximately 75% of the LW available for transport either as detached individual LW or as LW in log jams. There were approximately 55 individual LW per river km and another 59 pieces in log jams per river km. Individual LW is a product of bank erosion (73% is produced through erosion) and is isolated on the mid and upper banks at low flow. This LW does not appear to be important for either aquatic habitat or as a human risk. Log jams rest near or at water level making them a factor in bank complexity in an otherwise homogenous fine‐grained channel. A segmentation test was performed using LW frequency by river km to detect breaks in longitudinal distribution and to define homogeneous reaches of LW frequency. Homogeneous reaches were then analyzed to determine their relationship to bank height, channel width/depth, sinuosity, and gradient. Results show that log jams are a product of LW transport and occur more frequently in areas with high snag concentrations, low to intermediate bank heights, high sinuosity, high local LW recruitment rates, and narrow channel widths. The largest concentration of log jams (21.5 log jams/km) occurs in an actively eroding reach. Log jam concentrations downstream of this reach are lower due to a loss of river competency as the channel reaches sea level and the concurrent development of unvegetated mudflats separating the active channel from the floodplain forest. Substantial LW transport occurs on this low‐gradient, dam‐regulated large river; this study, paired with future research on transport mechanisms should provide resource managers and policymakers with options to better manage aquatic habitat while mitigating possible negative impacts to human interests
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Characteristics, distribution and geomorphic role of large woody debris in a mountain stream of the Chilean Andes
The paper presents an analysis of amounts, characteristics and morphological impact of large woody debris (LWD) in the Tres Arroyos stream, draining an old-growth forested basin (9·1 km2) of the Chilean Southern Andes. Large woody debris has been surveyed along a 1·5 km long channel section with an average slope of 0·07 and a general step–pool/cascade morphology. Specific wood storage is very high (656 –710 m3 ha−1), comparable to that recorded in old-growth forested basins in the Pacific Northwest. Half of the LWD elements were located on the active floodplain, and around two-thirds of LWD elements were found in accumula- tions. Different types of log jam were observed, some heavily altering channel morphology (log-steps and valley jams), while others just line the channel edges (bankfull bench jams). Log-steps represent approximately 22% of all steps, whereas the elevation loss due to LWD (log-steps and valley jams) results in 27% loss of the total stream potential energy. About 1600 m3 of sediment is stored in the main channel behind LWD structures, corresponding to approximately 150% of the annual sediment yield. Keywords: large woody debris; channel morphology; valley jams; log-steps; Andes; stream sediment: sediment traps
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Do small tributaries function as refuges from floods? A test in a salmonid-dominated mountainous river
Excerpts from the text: On 8–10 August 2003, a powerful typhoon hit Hokkaido Island, Japan, accompanied with heavy rain, which allowed us to investigate the potential role of tributaries as refuges from flooding. We had just completed annual population census in four small tributaries of a river system 1–2 days before the typhoon.... Overall, our results did not support the hypothesis that many large fishes immigrate to small tributaries during floods. ... Despite the lack of evidence of mass movement, our result suggested a few immigrants from the main stem (i.e., juvenile white-spotted charr, sculpin and a few relatively large Dolly Varden). Because more than 100 small tributaries exist in the Shiisorapuchi River (Koizumi 2011), only a few individuals escaping to each tributary should accumulate to a great number enough to re-colonise main stem habitats even if fishes in the main stem were extirpated. Multiple refuges at different spatial scales should increase resistance and ⁄ or resilience of fish populations (Sedell et al. 1990; Pearsons et al. 1992). Thus, the roles of tributaries as refuges would deserve further attention
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File ECMAScript program Characterizing coal and mineral mines as a regional source of stress to stream fish assemblages
Mining impacts on stream systems have historically been studied over small spatial scales, yet investigations over large areas may be useful for characterizing mining as a regional source of stress to stream fishes. The associations between co-occurring stream fish assemblages and densities of various “classes” of mining occurring in the same catchments were tested using threshold analysis. Threshold analysis identifies the point at which fish assemblages change substantially from best available habitat conditions with increasing disturbance. As this occurred over large regions, species comprising fish assemblages were represented by various functional traits as well as other measures of interest to management (characterizing reproductive ecology and life history, habitat preferences, trophic ecology, assemblage diversity and evenness, tolerance to anthropogenic disturbance and state-recognized game species). We used two threshold detection methods: change-point analysis with indicator analysis and piecewise linear regression. We accepted only those thresholds that were highly statistically significant (p 0.01) for both techniques and overlapped within 5% error. We found consistent, wedge-shaped declines in multiple fish metrics with increasing levels of mining in catchments, suggesting mines are a regional source of disturbance. Threshold responses were consistent across the three ecoregions occurring at low mine densities. For 47.2% of the significant thresholds, a density of only 0.01 mines/km2 caused a threshold response. In fact, at least 25% of streams in each of our three study ecoregions have mine densities in their catchments with the potential to affect fish assemblages. Compared to other anthropogenic impacts assessed over large areas (agriculture, impervious surface or urban land use), mining had a more pronounced and consistent impact on fish assemblages. Threshold analysis Fish functional traits Landscape influences Game fishes Mining Rivers
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File ECMAScript program Ecological responses to recent climate change
There is now ample evidence of the ecological impacts of recent climate change, from polar terrestrial to tropical marine environments. The responses of both flora and fauna span an array of ecosystems and organizational hierarchies, from the species to the community levels. Despite continued uncertainty as to community and ecosystem trajectories under global change, our review exposes a coherent pattern of ecological change across systems. Although we are only at an early stage in the projected trends of global warming, ecological responses to recent climate change are already clearly visible.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Challenges in the conservation, rehabilitation and recovery of native stream salmonid populations: beyond the 2010 Luarca symposium
– In May 2010, I chaired a session on challenges to salmonid conservation at the international symposium ‘Advances in the population ecology of stream salmonids’ in Luarca, Spain. I suggested that in addition to scientific challenges, a major challenge will be improving the links between ecologists, conservationists and policy makers. Because the Luarca symposium focused mainly on ecological research, little time was explicitly devoted to conservation. My objective in this paper is to further discuss the role of ecological research in informing salmonid conservation. I begin with a brief overview of research highlights from the symposium. I then use selected examples to show that ecological research has already contributed much towards informing salmonid conservation, but that ecologists will always be faced with limitations in their predictive ability. I suggest that conservation will need to move forward regardless of these limitations, and I call attention to some recent efforts wherein ecological research has played a crucial role. I conclude that ecologists should take urgent action to ensure that their results are availableto inform resource managers, conservation organisations and policy makers regarding past losses and present threats to native, locally-adapted salmonid stocks.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents
File PDF document Beyond Predictions: Biodiversity Conservation in a Changing Climate
Climate change is predicted to become a major threat to biodiversity in the 21st century, but accurate predictions and effective solutions have proved difficult to formulate. Alarming predictions have come from a rather narrow methodological base, but a new, integrated science of climate-change biodiversity assessment is emerging, based on multiple sources and approaches. Drawing on evidence from paleoecological observations, recent phenological and microevolutionary responses, experiments, and computational models, we review the insights that different approaches bring to anticipating and managing the biodiversity consequences of climate change, including the extent of species’ natural resilience. We introduce a framework that uses information from different sources to identify vulnerability and to support the design of conservation responses. Although much of the information reviewed is on species, our framework and conclusions are also applicable to ecosystems, habitats, ecological communities, and genetic diversity, whether terrestrial, marine, or fresh water.
Located in Resources / Climate Science Documents