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You are here: Home / Resources / Climate Science Documents / Brownness of organics in aerosols from biomass burning linked to their black carbon content

Brownness of organics in aerosols from biomass burning linked to their black carbon content

Atmospheric particulate matter plays an important role in the Earth’s radiative balance. Over the past two decades, it has been established that a portion of particulate matter, black carbon, absorbs significant amounts of light and exerts a warming effect rivalling that of anthropogenic carbon dioxide1,2. Most climate models treat black carbon as the sole light-absorbing carbonaceous particulate. However, some organic aerosols, dubbed brown carbon and mainly associated with biomass burning emissions3–6 , also absorbs light7 . Unlike black carbon, whose light absorption properties are well understood8, brown carbon comprises a wide range of poorly characterized compounds that exhibit highly variable absorptivities, with reported values spanning two orders of magnitude3–6,9,10. Here we present smog chamber experiments to characterize the effective absorptivity of organic aerosol from biomass burning under a range of conditions. We show that brown carbon in emissions from biomass burning is associated mostly with organic compounds of extremely low volatility11. In addition, we find that the effective absorptivity of organic aerosol in biomass burning emissions can be parameterized as a function of the ratio of black carbon to organic aerosol, indicating that aerosol absorptivity depends largely on burn conditions, not fuel type. We conclude that brown carbon from biomass burning can be an important factor in aerosol radiative forcing.

Credits: Nature Geoscience PUBLISHED ONLINE: 3 AUGUST 2014 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2220

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