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You are here: Home / Resources / Climate Science Documents / Regional and Global Impacts of Land Cover Change and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

Regional and Global Impacts of Land Cover Change and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

Model results show that, at the global scale, the physical impacts of LCC on temperature and rainfall are less important than large-scale SST anomalies, particularly those due to ENSO. However, in the regions where the land surface has been altered, the impact of LCC can be equally or more important than the SST forcing patterns in determining the seasonal cycle of the surface water and energy balance. Thus, this work provides a context for the impacts of LCC on climate: namely, strong regional-scale impacts that can sig- nificantly change globally averaged fields but that rarely propagate beyond the disturbed regions. This suggests that proper representation of land cover conditions is essential in the design of climate model experiments, particularly if results are to be used for regional-scale assessments of climate change impacts.

Credits: Journal of Climate 15 JUNE 2009

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