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Higher origination and extinction rates in larger mammals

Do large mammals evolve faster than small mammals or vice versa? Because the answer to this question contributes to our understanding of how life-history affects long-term and large-scale evolutionary patterns, and how microevolutionary rates scale-up to macroevolu- tionary rates, it has received much attention. A satisfactory or con- sistent answer to this question is lacking, however. Here, we take a fresh look at this problem using a large fossil dataset of mammals from the Neogene of the Old World (NOW). Controlling for sampling biases, calculating per capita origination and extinction rates of boundary-crossers and estimating survival probabilities using cap- ture-mark-recapture (CMR) methods, we found the recurring pattern that large mammal genera and species have higher origination and extinction rates, and therefore shorter durations. This pattern is surprising in the light of molecular studies, which show that smaller animals, with their shorter generation times and higher metabolic rates, have greater absolute rates of evolution. However, higher molecular rates do not necessarily translate to higher taxon rates because both the biotic and physical environments interact with phenotypic variation, in part fueled by mutations, to affect origina- tion and extinction rates. To explain the observed pattern, we propose that the ability to evolve and maintain behavior such as hibernation, torpor and burrowing, collectively termed ‘‘sleep-or- hide’’ (SLOH) behavior, serves as a means of environmental buffering during expected and unexpected environmental change. SLOH be- havior is more common in some small mammals, and, as a result, SLOH small mammals contribute to higher average survivorship and lower origination probabilities among small mammals. body size 􏰚 environmental buffering 􏰚 metabolism 􏰚 Neogene mammals 􏰚 turnover

Credits: PNAS 􏰚 April 22, 2008 􏰚 vol. 105 􏰚 no. 16

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