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Put simply, socioeconomics looks at how economic activity influences and is influenced by society. In the world of conservation, this could mean how changes in price or demand for products like coal or corn influences natural resource management and conservation decisions. In this section of Nature and Society, explore various initiatives, projects, and tools related to the socioeconomics of conservation.
Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere

Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere

The Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Cooperative was established in 1988 to work with regional, state, and local governments, individuals, and other interested organizations to develop a land ethic that recognizes the importance of ecologically sound management of natural and cultural resources in the Southern Appalachians.

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Socio-economic Projects

Socio-economic Projects

A list of Human Dimension projects pertaining to socio-economics taking place within the Appalachian LCC boundary.

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Socio-economic Tools

Socio-economic Tools

A collection of decision-support tools and socio-economic products.

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