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The mission of JOF is to advance the profession of forestry by keeping forest management professionals informed about significant developments and ideas in the many facets of forestry.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
LANL study finds wildfire-scorched areas prone to reburning
Scientists studied landscapes in 11 states that were burned by multiple fires within a 20-year period.
Located in News & Events / News Inbox
Publications include standards, guides, job aids, position taskbooks, training curricula, and other documents.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
NOAA is a leader in science and technology used by the wildland fire community, and is dedicated to understanding and predicting weather and climate to protect life and property.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter October, 2019
In this issue: Shortleaf Pine Conference; Research Brief; Heads Up!; Hot Spots; Spotlight; Upcoming Events.
Located in News & Events / Wildland Fire Newletters / Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter
Remote Sensing is a peer-reviewed, open access journal about the science and application of remote sensing technology.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
Search tool for USDA Forest Research publications.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
As an entity of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the mission of the U.S. Fire Administration is to support and strengthen fire and emergency medical services (EMS) and stakeholders to prepare for, prevent, mitigate and respond to all hazards.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
USGS Fire Science is fundamental to understanding the causes, consequences, and benefits of wildfire and helps prevent and manage larger, catastrophic events.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
The mission of the WiRē Center is to support evidence-based community wildfire education efforts so that communities can live with wildfire. Specifically, the WiRē Center provides personalized expertise and support to collect, interpret, and use paired parcel-level wildfire risk and social data. The WiRē Approach enables partners to effectively allocate resources and engage with residents.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals