Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Webinar Series
Foresters and land managers have many management tools at their disposal. A tool that’s often overlooked is prescribed fire. Prescribed fire for forest management is important for ecosystem health, forest regeneration, wildlife habitat, forest health, and disease control. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we discuss forest management using prescribed fire. Learn some of the practical knowledge of where, when, why, and how to apply fire in forest ecosystems.
On the Line-Survey Says... Apr 21, 2020
While much is known about the science of wildland fire behavior, the same cannot necessarily be said about our understanding of the impacts that these blazes have upon those tasked with putting them out. Although that knowledge base is slowly building, much remains to be learned about the psychological and behavioral health of wildland firefighters (WLFF’s). Thanks to the recent research efforts of clinical psychology doctoral student Patty O’Brien (a former Lolo Hotshot, and now Dr. O’Brien), we now know a great deal more. Patty was able to survey over 2600 current or former wildland firefighters to learn more about their demographic, employment, and clinical characteristics, as well as their health behaviors. In this, the tenth and final podcast of On the Line season three, Patty and her doctoral advisor Dr. Duncan Campbell join host Charlie Palmer to discuss some of her groundbreaking findings, and to chart out a course for future steps.
DOI Nature-based Solutions Roadmap
The purpose of the Department of the Interior Nature Based Solutions Roadmap is to provide Department of the Interior (DOI) staff with consistent and credible information about nature-based solutions, such as which strategies match certain conditions and goals, what co-benefits they are likely to provide, example projects, and additional resources for project planning, construction, and monitoring.
Fire Lines Volume 13 Issue 4
SFE in Action | What's New in Fire Science? | Research Brief: Terrestrial laser scan metrics predict surface vegetation biomass and consumption in a frequently burned southeastern U.S. ecosystem | Fire Science News Roundup | New Tools and Technology |Other News | Bonus Section: Prescribed Fire and Ticks | Upcoming Events | New Fire Science Publications for the South | Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines November 2023 (Volume 13, Issue 4)
SFE in Action | What's New in Fire Science? | Research Brief: Terrestrial laser scan metrics predict surface vegetation biomass and consumption in a frequently burned southeastern U.S. ecosystem | Fire Science News Roundup | New Tools and Technology | Other News | Bonus Section: Prescribed Fire and Ticks | Upcoming Events | New Fire Science Publications for the South | Funding Opportunities
News: Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region
Learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate prescribed burns with this new Guidebook designed for burners of all skill levels. This book takes you step-by-step through the prescribed burning process in addition to providing more in-depth chapters on many of the concepts.
News: Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems Fact Sheet
Based in part on the recent Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire Ecology Research Scientist, Prescribed Burning has been added to the USDA Climate Smart Priorities List for FY24.
News: Mapping Fires Across the Southeast-Science to Solutions
The Southeast fire map (SE FireMap), funded by NRCS and managed by Working Lands for Wildlife staff, aims to develop a fire tracking map to allow for improved decision making.
Fire Lines Volume 13 Issue 2
Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
LANL study finds wildfire-scorched areas prone to reburning
Scientists studied landscapes in 11 states that were burned by multiple fires within a 20-year period.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 5
November-December 2022 Vol. 12 (5): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 4
September-October 2022 Vol. 12 (4): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; Recent Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration
A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered attendees. We're working to bring people together to discuss, explore, and address the latest fire science and fire management issues across the eastern United States.
Texas Prescribed Burn Workshop 4-day Course in 2023
Meets Training and Testing requirement for Board Certified TDA prescribed burn manager certification.
Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023
During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, and will work for several different agencies with unique management objectives.
Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023
Learn how to minimize and manage threats in the WUI at the Wildland-Urban Interface Conference. Three essential tracks ensure you and your team get everything you need. Get the latest on Fire Adapted Communities, operations & suppression, and wildland fire policy & tools. Get it all at the WUI conference before the next fire season strikes.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 3
May-August 2022 Vol. 12 (3): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science Publications for the South; Funding Opportunities.
SE FireMap Phase II: Developing the Decision Support System Webinar
A free and open webinar for practitioners and the public to learn about the Southeast (SE) FireMap and next steps in its development as an operational decision-support tool for resource managers. In this next phase, the SE FireMap aims to provide up-to-date information to support fire management and conservation efforts. Representatives from USDA-NRCS, Tall Timbers Research, and USGS lead the webinar.
How a hurricane fueled wildfires in the Florida Panhandle
The wildfires that broke out in the Florida Panhandle in early March 2022 were the nightmare fire managers had feared since the day Hurricane Michael flattened millions of trees there in 2018. It might sound odd – hurricanes helping to fuel wildfires. But Michael’s 160 mph winds left tangles of dead trees that were ready to burn.
Flagler County Land Management assists Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council instructing wildland fire training class in Apopka
Twenty-one students from nine different organizations across the state of Florida participated in the training.