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You are here: Home / Learning & Tech Transfer / General Resources and Publications / Inbox / USDA Announces Historic Investment in Wildlife Conservation, Expands Partnership to Include Additional Programs

USDA Announces Historic Investment in Wildlife Conservation, Expands Partnership to Include Additional Programs

USDA Announces Historic Investment in Wildlife Conservation, Expands Partnership to Include Additional Programs
$500 Million from Farm Bill Is Part of Broader Commitment from FSA and NRCS to Working Lands Conservation that Benefits Wildlife and Supports Agriculture and Rural Communities BOULDER, Colo., June 27, 2023 – Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing that it will expand its work on wildlife conservation by investing at least $500 million over the next five years and by leveraging all available conservation programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), through its Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW) effort. These commitments, which align with President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, will ramp up the conservation assistance for farmers, ranchers, private forest owners and tribes with a focus on working lands in key geographies across the country as well as hiring for key conservation positions. The funding will help deliver a series of cohesive Frameworks for Conservation Action, which establish a common vision across the partnership of public and private interests and goals for delivering conservation resources in a given ecosystem, combining cutting-edge science with local knowledge.

Publication Date: 2023

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