Apps, Maps, and Data
The Literature Gateway
A Systematic Map of Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests
American Black Duck Non-Breeding Watershed Prioritization
An interactive map from the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and Black Duck Joint Venture which identifies priority watersheds that are crucial for meeting habitat requirements for black ducks. Use this map to identify areas of importance that coincide with the NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Black Duck Program map.
Map of Priority Areas for WLFW-Black Duck Projects
Map used by the NRCS WLFW-Black duck partnership to denote priority areas for landowner sign-ups in NJ, DE, MD, and VA. This map is based on larger geographic priorities modeled by the Black Duck Joint Venture and Atlantic Coast Joint Venture partnerships for targeting Black duck recovery in the Atlantic Flyway.
Distribution of the American Black Duck
Distribution of the American Black Duck. This species breeds locally South to the dashed line.
Bog Turtle Map
WLFW Bog Turtle Focal Area