Published materials
Ducks Unlimited: Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia 2021 Conservation Report
2021 Conservation Report from Ducks Unlimited
Graves Farm Wildlife Habitat Restoration Story
A short storymap that follows how one farm in Delaware was able to sustain active farmland and create new habitat for waterfowl like the American Black Duck and wildlife. Features interviews with farm managers and their experiences in the Working Lands for Wildlife program.
Looking to increase waterfowl, wildlife habitat? (Keeping the Farm)
Short article in The Delmarva Farmer about the Working Lands for Wildlife Program's work on American Black Duck in Delaware
Maryland Shallow Water Area Fact Sheet
The state of Maryland NRCS fact sheet for shallow water areas, a common practice used in creating or restoring habitat for waterfowl use.
American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Eastern Shore Virginia Residents
The current fact sheet and applicable practices for the Working Lands for Wildlife Black Duck Program in Virginia.
American Black Duck Fact Sheet for Delaware Residents
The current fact sheet and applicable practices for the American Black Duck NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife Program in Delaware.