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Biennial Spotlight on National Park Resources

A Floral Survey of Cliff Habitats Along Bull Run at Manassas National Battlefield Park

Courtney James, Biological Science Technician, National Park Service, Manassas National Battlefield Park; Esther D. Stroh, Matthew A. Struckhoff, and Keith W. Grabner, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center

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A Golden Anniversary in a Diamond Year

Kimberly Robinson, Museum Curator, National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway

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Accuracy Assessment Results for NCR vegetation maps

Judy Teague, Senior Ecologist, Natureserve; Diane Pavek, Research Coordinator, Botanist NPS, National Capital Region

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Ahoy Ye Landlubber! Submerged Cultural Resources along the GWMP

Bradley Krueger, Cultural Resource Specialist, National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway

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Bats, White-nose Syndrome, and the Western Maryland Railroad Tunnels

Michelle Carter - Natural Resource Program Manager NPS, C&O Canal National Historical Park

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Building an Invasive Plant Watch List for the NCR

Mark Frey- Team Liaison, NPS, Exotic Plant Management Team (EPMT)

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Bullets, Shrapnel, Case, and Canister: Archeology and GIS at the Piper Farm (Recording Unavailable)

Union and Confederate forces fought at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17, 1862. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American military history with nearly 23,000 dead, wounded, and missing. Some of the fiercest fighting occurred around the Sunken Road -- the northern boundary of the Henry Piper farm. Over four field seasons, archaeologists conducted systematic metal-detector surveys of the Piper Orchard, site of the Confederates’ retreat from the Sunken Road and their stand to hold the center, Caldwell’s Union advance, and the senseless charge of the 7th Maine Infantry Regiment. A combination of GIS analysis, 3-D terrain modeling, viewshed analysis, and a review of the historical record, resulted in the identification of unit positions and movements derived from an examination of 2,033 military artifacts. This study provides a more detailed understanding of the events at Piper Farm and demonstrates potential applications to other battlefield landscapes.

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Camera Trap Survey to Assess White-tailed Deer Population at Catoctin Mountain Park, 2015

Lindsey Donaldson - Biologist, Laurel Downs - Student Conservation Assosication NPS, Catoctin Mountain Park

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Closing Remarks from the Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region

Perry Wheelock- Associate Regional Director, Resource Stewardship and Science, NPS, National Capital Region

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Creating a Mobile Experience for the Explore Natural Communities Website

Judy Teague - Senior Ecologist, Allen Ansellmo - Software Engineer, Erin Jones - Vegetation Ecologist, Dave Hauver - Software Engineer Natureserve, Diane Pavek - Research Coordinator, Ann Gallagher - Science Education Coordinator, Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance, NPS National Capital Region

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Gone but not Forgotten: Storer College

Elaine Eff- Former Director, Cultural Conservation Program, Maryland Historical Trust

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Interactions Between Climbing Vines and Forest Edges Influence Tree Mortality in Mid-Atlantic Forests

Elizabeth Matthews - Botanist, Megan Nortrup - Science Communicator, John Paul Schmit - Quantitative Ecologist, J Patrick Campbell - Network Coordinator, NPS, National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Program

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Inventory of Rare Groundwater Invertebrates and Their Habitats in National Capital Parks East Parks

David Culver, Emeritus Professor, American University Department of Biology presented for Jenna Keany, Graduate Student American University Department of Environmental Science

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Japanese American Veterans Association Oral History Topic

Amber Cohen - Graduate Student, University of Maryland

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Joint Influence of Deer Management and an Invasive Grass on Tree Seedling Establishment at Catoctin Mountain Park

John Paul Schmit- Quantitative Ecologist, NPS, National Capital Region Inventory and Monitoring Program

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Maximizing the use of Volunteers for the Removal of Arborized Invasive English Ivy Vine at Rock Creek Park

Nick Bartolomeo - Chief of Resource Management, Ana Chuquin - Biological Science Technician NPS, Rock Creek Park, John Maleri - Program Coordinator, Karen Zeiter - Program Manager Rock Creek Conservancy

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