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Tennessee River Basin Network Training Resources

Landscape Level Conservation Design - Conservation planning identifies and prioritizes lands that encompass important natural and/or cultural resources across the landscape and develops protection and management strategies for these lands. The goal is to create interconnected reserves of managed lands that are resilient to the many environmental changes that are occurring rapidly on the landscape.

  • Face to Face and Online Training - a place for learning about conservation tools, sharing upcoming announcements on training, and accessing the Science Applications Online Learning Center where partners can utilize tools and resources developed through LCC-funded research to aid in conservation work.
  • Science Applications Learning Management System - Self-paced tutorials and classes highlight the intended uses of decision-support tools and other products by giving a step-by-step demonstration of how to apply tools to specific natural resource issues.
  • Marxan - Marxan is among the most widely used conservation planning tools throughout the world, providing decision-making support for land managers and conservation practitioners alike. The Appalachian LCC is dedicated to building the technical capacity for its integration across the landscape.