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TRB Projects

There are an amazing number of organizations and individuals working to protect, conserve and enhance our unique landscape within the TRB. The following Projects provide information to better identify the who, what, and where of conservation action. This information will help you to know who has expertise you may tap into, gain knowledge on lessons learned from the field, and in turn enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your actions.

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Landscape Partnership

Reintroduction of Lake Sturgeon into TN River Drainage

Restoration of a locally extirpated fish species to the TN river basin

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Salamanders of the Cumberland Plateau

Understanding the impacts of climate change on salamander interactions with other salamander species and fishes

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Sicklefin Redhorse Candidate Conservation Cooperative

A working group of partners has been actively engaged in actions to study and conserve the narrowly endemic Sicklefin redhorse since the early 2000's. In 2015, that was formalized into a Candidate Conservation Agreement. This Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) for the Sicklefin Redhorse (Moxostoma sp.) has been developed as a cooperative effort among tribal, state, federal, nongovernmental, and private organizations to establish a formal agreement to cooperate on actions that conserve, manage, and improve Sicklefin Redhorse populations range-wide with the goal of working to preclude the need to list the species under the Endangered Species Act. Activities include research to better understand the life history, ecology, habitat requirements, etc; population monitoring; captive propagation; and reintroduction and augmentation to expand the occupied range.

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Signal Mountain Streams - Protection & Education

Water quality data collection, analysis and reporting for selected impaired streams on Signal Mountain. Hands-on, outdoor, water-quality education provided to local school.

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Southeastern Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

A data-driven prioritization of 290 huc-8 watersheds on the basis of fish, crayfish, and mussel biodiversity, endemism, and imperilment.

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Spivey Mill Dam Modification, Copper Creek

Spivey Mill Dam is a significant fish passage barrier in Copper Creek, one of the most biologically significant tributaries in the Clinch River basin. This project will involve modification to the dam structure to minimize the impoundment and improve water quality, and river restoration to facilitate fish passage, provide in-stream habitat, and stabilize the channel. The project includes a year of pre-monitoring data, including assessment of water quality, biological communities, and sediment transport.

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Spring Pygmy Sunfish Monitoring

Presence/absence surveys in all known locations and in similar habitats in adjacent watersheds

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Upper Clinch Streambank Sedimentation Project

The project focuses on reducing sedimentation in the upper Clinch River watershed through streambank stabilization projects. Methods will include bioengineering techniques, grading, and installation of toe protection. Projects will be concentrated in developed areas of the watershed, as well as collaboration with the local soil and water conservation district.

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Youth Environmental Eduation

Kids in the Creek, Migration Celebration, Macon Co. Youth Conservation Field Day, Earth Day Celebration, and others

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