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GIS & Conservation Planning Toolkit

The GIS & Conservation Planning Toolkit was designed by the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives to help walk resources managers through integrating GIS data and planning into day-to-day operations. We still house this toolkit for practitioners to use in their conservation efforts.

It is important to think about and facilitate conservation planning at a larger spatial and temporal scale. In order to accomplish the vision of landscape-scale conservation planning, practitioners developed this toolkit to disseminate conservation literature, analytical products and information, and other resources to help guide land managers.

In this toolkit, you will find a framework that supports systematic conservation planning, from setting conservation targets to measuring conservation success.

The toolkit includes:

  • Planning in Practice, where users can find, view, and download foundational maps and spatial data. In addition, users can view maps produced by Landscape Partnership partners such as Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture. These maps are often built on new data and may serve as a launching point for your own work.

View this video by Conservation Planning Specialist Dr. Paul Leonard that provides a general overview on the function and use of the GIS & Conservation Planning Toolkit.