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Wildland Fire workspace offer a platform to enhance work flow and facilitate efficient sharing of ideas, datasets, products, publications, and more with others who have similar interests or missions.

The workspace brings together a diverse set of experts to promote dialogue and coordination.

SE FireMap - Technical Oversight Team

SE FireMap - Technical Oversight Team

This is a private workspace for the SE FireMap Technical Oversight Team (Team), an advisory body to the current project funder, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, as well as its cooperative agreement partner the Endowment for Forestry and Communities and subawardee the Longleaf Alliance (these three collectively known as the Project Managers). In August 2019, applicants to the Team were solicited from partners and experts across the Southeastern U.S. Based on application forms and input from stakeholders, members were selected from among applicants responding to a Statement of Interest circulated by the Endowment for Forestry and Communities. The selected members possess relevant technical skills and experience, as well as networking capacity in the fire science community throughout the U.S., to support the SE FireMap project and ensure its success. Photo credit: John McGuire

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SE FireMap 2.0 Team Workspace

SE FireMap 2.0 Team Workspace

This is a private workspace for the SE FireMap Development Team

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